SenseUp Therapies

What We Do

These are just a few insights into ways in which we may be able to help.


Sensory Profiling

This is a very rich assessment using the Sensory Profile 2 or Sensory Processing Measure 2. This is an opportunity to collaborate with your child's OT and discuss their sensory behaviours as guided by the questionnaire - for all sensory systems. 

This is done in person or online, and your child is usually not present. 


Sensory Diets/Strategies

Sensory diets are designed using the information gained in the Sensory Profiling phase of assessment. These are based on the premise that a child’s sensory system is “hungry” for certain sensory input and only once satisfied then the seeking/avoiding behaviour reduces.

Sensory diets are designed to fit as seamlessly into yours and your child’s life as possible, with the ultimate goal being that your child adopts these small changes and uses them independently to manage his own sensory needs


Sensory Spaces

Sometimes a sensory child may benefit from sensory spaces that are created specifically with his/her needs in mind. A place to regulate and find their equilibrium again. These can be as simple as a small tent or as complex as a high tech sensory room. 

Ideally, a child should have a safe space in all of their environments/settings. 

PS. this could even be a kids table with their favourite puzzles or a reading nook.

Sensory Integration Therapy



In Sensory Integration Therapy, and as therapists with post graduate training in sensory theory and practice, we use various swings according to your child's sensory needs, matching this to the neuroscience of the sensory system and relevant equipment and 'play' activity to support further integration and development. 

An added bonus is that swinging can be calming or alerting depending on the need, and our OTs, due to their additional training, know exactly how to use swings to enhance your child's attention and engagement. 

Being child led means that we co-create the session with your child according to their interests, strengths and what motivates them on the day (with the goals in our heads as we artfully bring these into the 'game').

Most children love coming to OT and they leave smiling with their whole body :)



The magic of this fabric lies in the stretchy quality and silky feeling. As humans, most of us benefit from the calming input that deep pressure provides - think of massages, tight hugs, heavy blankets. Children also benefit from the down regulation qualities of lycra when used in the exact way your child needs, for the right amount of time and at the right moment in time. This can require help from our OTs to work out. 

Pictured above is a lycra sheet over a crash mat. There are also lycra tunnels, body socks, ropes, snoods and straight sheets. 


Non-suspension sensory input

These activities are used as preparation for the functional activities that come toward the end of every session. Some children may also avoid swinging if they are feeling unsettled or simply choose to do something on the ground. 

We have a large selection of different pieces of equipment including ball pit, scooter board ramp, blocks, large bean bag, climbing wall, air mattress and more. 



After preparation of the body through various suspension (swings) and non- suspension activities, the child may be offered a choice of game/ activity/ task that works towards a functional outcome. We may challenge posture, eye movements, cognition and attention during these tasks. 

SenseUp Therapies


We support children on an EPC from Medicare, NDIS self and plan managed and private/ health fund.
Our fees are standard across all funding bodies and charged per hour.
Please note that all new clients require an assessment  unless there is an existing assessment & report less than 6 months old. 

 The process requires an initial meeting (online/in person), individualised assessment, analysis and therapy planning, feedback meeting and report. We also conduct Functional Capacity Assessments for NDIS. 

$200.00 p/h

School/Home Visit

As part of the assessment, and as required ( 2 - 4 times per year) these visits offer valuable opportunities to observe the child in their natural settings and provide advice or strategies to support engagement in these environments. Travel up to a max. of 30 mins each way is billed. 

$200.00 p/h

Therapy sessions

In clinic, at school, at home or telehealth.

$200.00 p/h


This includes liaison with your child's teacher, other therapists etc conducted over email, phone or telehealth more than 15 minutes in length (with consent from primary caregiver).

$200.00 p/h 

Report Writing

This includes assessmnet report, sensory profiling reports, NDIS access, NDIS review, NDIS Assistive Technology, NDIS Consumables, NDIS Functional Capacity Report. 

$200.00 p/h