Welcome to SenseUp Therapies

Discover a sensory affirming and sensory integration -focused approach at SenseUp Therapies.

Our individualised, strengths based and child led approach to therapy embraces neurodiversity and empower each child's unique journey. We aim to make every sensory child feel understood and supported.

Join us on this exciting adventure of self-discovery and growth! We would love to help your child smile with their whole body!

1 Resort Drive, Robina, Gold Coast 

Occupational Therapy PracticeTherapy EquipmentTherapy EquipmentTherapy EquipmentTherapy EquipmentTherapy Outdoor Area

Sensory Affirming Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy for neurodiverse children employing a sensory integration approach is tailored to enhance each child's unique sensory processing abilities. Through child led and co-created semi-structured activities, therapists support children to integrate their sensory systems for improved regulation, sensory- motor and perceptual motor skills.

In combination these are the skills children depend on functionally for gross and fine motor skill development, activities of daily living (like sleep, eating, toileting), social interaction, academic learning, attention and concentration, and behaviour.

At SenseUp Therapies we have created a low arousal and sensory-friendly environment, with easy and safe parking, instant access to your appointment so there is no waiting (there isn't even a waiting room!), and an outdoor space to access the calming quality of nature if needed. 

We offer a variety of occupational therapy and sensory integration therapy practises, with some more specialised programs as required by your child's unique needs.

The Therapy Process


Assessments are a necessary part of the therapy process to ensure that once OT starts, its targeted and specific and therefore effective! 

Assessments are both structured and unstructured, with some done remotely online. Assessments may also be completed ad hoc during play or therapy sessions should that be the method that serves the child best. 

Structured assessments are standardised and normed, and provide age norms/percentile ranks for your child's performance against their age.  

Unstructured assessments are more informal, usually play-based and typically your child isn't even aware they may be observed/assessed. This includes home visits, school visits and community visits as indicated. 

Remote/ Online assessments include interviews, questionnaires and surveys as well as observation via video and photo. Telehealth for remote clients around Australia can participate in this as well as local families whose child struggles to attend or participate in person. 

**Whilst we offer a variety of assessments at SenseUp, we also acknowledge that some assessments are not necessarily affirming for the child. 


A process of therapy planning takes place once some or all assessment results are known, have been analysed and clinically reasoned, to provide a clear picture of the developmental areas of functional development that may or may not be supporting your child. 

Your therapist will present these findings on the developmental triangle (as above) to make it easy to see and understand. 

Together you will prioritise the areas that will be addressed in therapy, the therapy techniques and programs that may be indicated and goals will be set. 

Time frames will be discussed, as well as frequency of sessions and a quote will be provided. 

A therapy day and time will also be agreed. 

Reviews of goals and progress will be shared termly or 6 monthly depending on the goals and your needs. 


At SenseUp Therapies we prefer weekly, or biweekly appointments as this is where the evidence tells us, as well as our own experience, that the most progress is made. 

Caregivers should be present at appointments and participate as invited by their child or therapist. 

Home activities or strategies will also be suggested/ demonstrated to ensure progress continues outside of therapy sessions too.